Today I read Deuteronomy 13, where the Israelites are warned against idolatry being influenced and encouraged by leaders, family, friends and community members. Today I considered that God warns us to be careful of those around us and the world trying to turn us from God; we have to make sure God is always most important to us.

Let No One Turn You From God

The Israelites were not to allow anyone to turn them or their city from following the Lord thy God (Deuteronomy 13:1-18). The Israelites were warned if a prophet or dreamer uses a prediction coming true to try to get them to follow other gods, they are to kill the person because the person tried to turn Israelites from the Lord. If a relative tries to secretly get an Israelite to follow the gods of the people around them or other gods, the Israelite should stone that relative and have everyone else join in stoning the person to death. Then all Israelites will fear and not try to turn their people from the Lord. If a group of men in a city the Lord gave to the Israelites are heard be going out to worship Belial and it is found to be true, the people of the city and the city are to be destroyed. The treasures of the city that had Belial worshipers are to be put in a pile and burned, and that city is not to be rebuilt. The Israelites are to follow God and do what is right according to the Lord.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

Many of us have unknowingly indulged in idolatry. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary idolatry is the worship of a physical object as a god and/or immoderate attachment or devotion to something. This means that anything we put more attachment on and give more devotion to than God can become an idol from TV shows to hobbies to shopping to sports to personal care to careers to people. I personally stopped watching a TV show because I gave it too much importance. Nothing is more important than God and Deuteronomy 6:5 tells us to love God with all our heart, soul, and strength.

What do you need to change so God is the most important part of your life?