Today I read Deuteronomy 29, where Moses told everyone among them to keep the covenant. Today I considered that God expanded the covenant to include more than the Israelites before they crossed the Jordan River.

Keep the Covenant with God

The Israelites are reminded of what God has done for them and to keep the covenant or suffer the consequences (Deuteronomy 29:1-29). Moses reminded the people of what God did in Egypt, how God led them 40 years in the wilderness without their clothes getting old, and how God helped they take Heshon and Bashan for three of the Israelite tribes to inherit. Moses told everyone with them from leaders to children to foreigners to servants to stand and join in making the covenant with God. Everyone is to love the Lord and not make idols or serve the gods of other nations. If they turn from God, men will experience all the curses, the land will suffer, and God will kick them out of the land because of his anger.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

God expanded the covenant promises to include people who were not Israelites. Even if a person does not have proof of their blood lineage being linked to the Israelites, they could partake of the covenant. God had everyone around the Israelites agree to the covenant. Everyone was to love God and not worship false gods.

How does knowing God included individuals that were not Israelites in the Lord’s promises impact your view on how God can bless you?