Today I read Judges 14, about Jonathan’s and Jonathan’s armourbearer’s attack on the Philistines causes them to fear, fight each other, and flee. Jonathan almost lost his life because of Saul’s oath. Today I considered that two can put a thousand to flight and be careful of the oaths you make that could cause others to sin.

Two Put Thousands To Flight

Jonathan and his armourbearer secretly leave to attack the Philistines causing thousands to flee (Judges 14:1-23). They travel through a narrow passage to the Philistines’ garrison and are invited in. The Philistines thought they were more Israelites hiding in the rocks. Jonathan and his armourbearer start slaughtering them and kill 20 men causing fear and trembling among the Philistines. Saul and his men heard the commotion in the Philistine camp, saw people fleeing and fighting, and went to the battle. More Hebrews that had been among the Philistines and Hebrews that had hid in mount Ephraim were fighting with Jonathan. The Philistines were fighting the Hebrews and turned against each other. The Lord saved Israel.

The People Save Jonathan

Saul made an oath that almost cost his son Jonathan’s life (Judges 14:24-52). Jonathan had snuck away with his armorbearer to fight the Philistines when Saul made an oath that any of his men eating that day would be cursed. Jonathan not knowing ate some honey and was enlightened to realize how wrong his father’s actions had been. He stopped eating when someone told him of Saul’s oath. The fighting men were ravished with hunger, such that at the end of the day they sinned; after killing sheep and oxen the men ate the animals with the blood. Saul stopped them from continuing to eat the blood. Saul asked God if they should continue fighting that night, and God did not respond. Then Saul had the priests narrow down and find out the reason the Lord did not respond was Jonathan eating honey. The people saved Jonathan from Saul because Jonathan caused them to win that day. Saul did not follow the Philistines that day but later warred against Israelites enemies on all sides and took any valiant or strong men as his warriors.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

God can cause two people to turn a war into a victory. Jonathan and his armourbearer were only two people believing God for the victory, but their actions caused a multitude of Philistine warriors to flee. Other Hebrews did join in their fighting, but when you think about it, two people did cause thousands to flee.

When have you seen people with such strong convictions that they could completely change a situation?

God listens to leaders to bind those that are their followers, so leaders need to be extra careful with their words. Leaders should also make sure everyone they try to bind knows about the oath. Jonathan was bound by his father Saul’s words and Jonathan did not even know about the oath. Jonathan was unintentionally braking Saul’s oath. Saul snared his own son with his words.

What leader has said or done something they wanted you to be bound by, but you did not agree with their words or actions?