Beginning today I am sharing with you my journey through the Bible. This sharing is caring as a sister cares about her family members. I thank God that we have the Bible available for us to read in English and other languages. I am praying for a closer relationship with God. I pray that you also develop a closer relationship with God as you join me on this journey. KJV Philippians 4:6: Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

Where to begin?

Everyone’s journey is different. Some people follow strict Bible reading plans, others have checklists, and others just read. My journey is influenced by my past experiences. I spent over 12 years in school and remember that sometimes when you begin to read a book you look at the outline or title pages. So that is where I am starting.

My First Step – The Outline

The first thing I have done is look at the list of the books in the Bible. There are 66 books and I do not have them memorized. When I was in school I memorized all 50 states through a song. As I walk along this journey, I want to memorize the names of all 66 books of the Bible.

My Second Step – Songs

The second thing I did was go online and search for “songs of the Bible books” and I listened to several of the songs outlining the Bible. Some songs were only the Old Testament books, some were only the New Testament books and others had both. I decided on a song with both and plan on listening and singing along over the coming month or longer until I memorize the books of the Bible.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

Do you have a printed Bible? I suggest getting one. Some churches give them away but there are plenty of stores that sale printed copies of the Bible, you can also order the Bible online so that a copy is sent to your location.

Do you have the list of the books of the Bible memorized? If so, what method did you used to memorize them?