Today I read Genesis 5 and 6. We all have been blessed with the choice to decide where we focus our time and attention. Today I considered how our focus impacts our future.

Focus on God

The most important thing in life is to spend time with God. God shows the importance of faithfully spending time with Him, through the experiences of Enoch and Noah. Both Enoch and Noah walked with God (Genesis 5:24 and 6:9) and were blessed or rewarded. Enoch spent 300 years faithfully with God and did not see death because God took him up. Noah was also faithful and thus God chose Noah to survive the flood. Time with God does impact your life and your future.

Focus on Earthly Pleasure

Choosing to focus on earthly pleasure has consequences, which can be deadly. A great number of the descendants of Adam lived on the earth focusing on doing anything they could imagine. Violence also had multiplied. Everything was so bad God chose to destroy the earth and all those focused on their own pleasure. God did not spare those not focused on Him.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

Consider what you focused on in the last day or two. Did you spent time focusing on God and His word?