Today I read Genesis 9 and 10, in which God made a promise to all living beings and Noah took action against some of his own descendants. Today I considered God’s rainbow to remind us of His promises and the far-reaching aspects of Noah’s curse on Canaan.
The Rainbow Promise
Rainbows are beautiful with a profusion of color. I admit I enjoy viewing and taking pictures of rainbows. But rainbows also have a special meaning because they are a reminder God set in the clouds for His promise to Noah and all living creatures on earth (Genesis 9:15-16). God promised to never again flood the earth to destroy everything living. Every time a person looks at a rainbow, it is a reminder of God’s promises and His grace.
Noah’s Curse
Many people tell stories about individuals’ actions when individuals get drunk. Well, Ham told his brothers about their father Noah’s behavior while drunk. Noah cursed one of the descendants of Ham, Canaan. Canaan was the father of the Canaanites and their land included Gaza, Sodom, and Gomorrah. Considering this information, this curse possibly had far-reaching consequences. Many people have heard of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. While I am not focusing on that today, I realize we must try to be cautious in what we say. We never know how far our words can go.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
What do you think of when you see a rainbow in the sky?