Today I read Genesis 18 and 19, which talks about the warning to Abraham and destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. I focused on God’s warning to Abraham and God heeding Abraham’s plea by protecting Lot. Today I thought about God warning us even today of coming events and allowing our loved ones to be saved.
God Warns Us About the Future
God warns His children about what they and their loved ones will face. Lot’s father died when Lot was still young. Abraham helped raise Lot and probably saw him as a son. God knew He was about to destroy the city of Sodom where Lot dwelt and told Abraham. Abraham pleaded for God not to destroy the city if even 10 righteous lived there (Genesis 18:32). Lot’s family and household servants included more than 10 people. God promised to save the city for even 10 righteous. God allows us to be prepared for future situations and even lets us plead to God for those we love.
God Heeds Our Pleas
God saves people because of the righteous ones that love those people. Abraham’s pleas for the righteous in Sodom were answered when God protected Lot. God protected Lot for Abraham’s sake (Genesis 19:29). God protected Lot and Lot’s family members that were willing to leave Sodom. Our prayers to protect people and intercede for them do provide them with a choice. Those we pray for must then move and go in a different direction like Lot or stay and face negative consequences like Lot’s sons-in-laws.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
God gives many people today dreams, visions, or feelings about their loved ones being in danger. People have received warning before facing consequences. I know of people who have listened and been protected by God. I also know of people who have faced negative consequences.
Do you personally known someone who was the loved one pleading to God or the loved one that was warned?