Today I read Genesis 40 and 41, which are about Joseph interpreting dreams and preparing for tough times. Joseph did a good job no matter whether in slavery or prison. God promoted him to be a blessing to Egypt and other countries in the world. Today I considered how we should try to work hard where we are at and that influence can spread from smaller to greater.
Pharaoh’s Officers Dreams
Sometimes we need to just keep doing our current job well before God asks more of us. Joseph was given the care of Pharaoh’s officers, the butler and the baker. Joseph was doing his job to check on them and asked them about being sad. Giving God the glory, Joseph correctly interpreted Pharaoh’s officers’ dreams (Genesis 40:8, 20-22). Joseph asked the butler to remember him when he was favored by Pharaoh, but the butler forgot. Like Joseph, we must keep doing a good job until our time comes that God has others recognize or remember us.
Pharaoh’s Dreams
When Joseph’s time came, he was truly blessed. Pharaoh had dreams no servant could interpret and the butler remembered Joseph interpreting his dream. Joseph cleaned himself up before presenting himself to Pharaoh (Genesis 42:14). Joseph gave God the glory then interpreted the dreams. Joseph went a step farther and offered a solution to the dream. Pharaoh gave Joseph power over all of Egypt and even a wife (Genesis 41:44-45). God can bless us when the time comes beyond our imaginings.
Preparation for Tough Times
God warns us to prepare for tough times, and we must choose whether to listen. Pharaoh probably knew Joseph’s background of being a strong reliable leader for Potiphar and then in the prison. Pharaoh heeded God’s warning and also put Joseph over preparing for the famine. The famine was so great that other countries came to Egypt for food (Genesis 41:57). Everyone will experience difficulties in their lives we are to prepare during the good times for the difficult times so we can take care of ourselves and others.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
Joseph was asking the butler to help him get freedom (Genesis 40:14-15) but God actually gave Joseph power over all the land of Egypt (Genesis 41:41).
Have you ever asked God for something and been surprised with how richly He blesses you?
Every other generation or so there is a famine or a food shortage in the world as we can see in the Bible and in our own history. Abraham (Genesis 12:10) and Jacob (Genesis 42:1) faced famine. The United States has faced famine with the Great Famine of 1816-1818 called the Year Without a Summer and the 1930s Dust Bowl.
If famine or a food shortage came to the United States again, would you be prepared?