Today I read Exodus 23, which talks about taking a Sabbath and God’s angel sent to guide and fight for the Hebrews. Today I considered that God wants us to have a rest day. I also thought about when we are obedient, God’s angels can make our way smooth including fighting our battles for us.

Six out of Seven

God wants us to work only six out of seven days and farm the land only six out of seven years (Exodus 23:10-13). The Hebrews there told to rest on the seventh day and let the land rest in the seventh year. God expects both His people and His land to rest. We need to set aside time as individuals each week to have a rest day.

Obedience then a Smooth Way

God asks us to put Him first and obey Him then God’s angel will lead the way and fight for us (Exodus 23:20-33). God told the Hebrews that He was to be their only God and to obey the angel God sent that has God’s name in him. God’s angel would overthrow their enemies and drive out the people from the land using hornets. The previous people were not to stay in the land with the Hebrews. We need to follow what God desires us to do and not let the old people, God had go away, come back into our new blessings.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

Do you take a day each week and actually rest?