Today I read Proverbs 5, which warns sons against strange women. Today I considered that this passage is really directed at men. It tells them what to avoid and a few things to look for in women.
Warning Against Strange Women
Proverbs 5 is a warning directed towards sons to be careful of strange women (Proverbs 5:1-14, 20-23). Strange women sound nice and sweet but dealing with them leads to bitterness. They are not consistent and will waist your wealth. Sons can end up poor and even physically sick because of this mistake. Sons instead choose women that believe in God so you can be blessed, rejoice, and feel her love (Proverbs 5:15-19).
Questions and Thoughts for Today
While Proverbs 5 is a warning to men about women, it could also be informing women of some of the things men should look for in them. What do you believe is something men should look for in good women as described in Proverbs 5?