Today I read Zechariah 7, which talks about hearts of stone that did things for themselves not for God. Today I considered that God does not want us to have a heart of stone.

Giving Your Heart to God

God tells the people your heart matters even in the actions you are taking (Zechariah 7:1-14). God wants us to have soft hearts towards God and people. The priests and prophets were told weeping and fasting does not matter if your heart is not focused on God when you do it. God also tells us to show compassion for others like widows, orphans, strangers, and the poor. We need to do what we can do to soften our hearts so we more fully love God and show compassion for His creation of mankind.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

Pharaoh’s heart in Genesis was hardened and he lost servants, goods, and his own child’s life. Who have you seen loose something valuable in their life because they lacked compassion or a soft heart? What did they lose?