Today I read Zechariah 9, which talks about what will happen with the coming of the king, Christ Jesus. God reveals information about cities like Tyrus (Lebanon), Ashkelon, Ashdod, etc. God reveals aspects that show it is Jesus and what will happen after Jesus comes. Today I considered that Jesus has impacted the world and taught peace.

Coming of Christ Jesus

God foretells of Jesus and Jesus’ impact on the world (Zechariah 9:9-17). God instructs the people to rejoice with the coming of King Jesus. Jesus will ride upon a donkey, speak peace to the people, impact the whole world, and eventually save and feed his flock. We should remember that through Christ Jesus the whole world has been impacted.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

As I was reading Zechariah 9 today, I remembered how the coming of Jesus Christ has already impacted the whole world and taught about love and peace. Christianity is the most widely practiced religion in the world showing that King Jesus’ domain has spread from sea to sea. Jesus is also known for saying that the most important commandments are to love God and love your neighbor, which requires you to be at peace with people.

What ways have you seen the peace taught by Christ Jesus manifest in your life or others lives?