Today I read 1 Chronicles 28, in which David gave instructions to Solomon in front of all of the leaders. Today I considered that David gave us an example of how to change over leadership to ensure future success.
How to Change Leadership
David gathered the leaders, handed over the reins, and gave instructions to Solomon (1 Chronicles 28:1-21). David had all of the princes, captains, lead stewards, officers, mighty men, valiant men, and his sons gather together. David explained that he wanted to build a house for God but God chose Solomon. He told Solomon to have a perfect heart toward God and a willing mind. David then presented the blueprint and supplies for the building of the temple. The blueprint included the pattern of the courts, treasuries, priest courses, and more, while the supplies of gold and silver were enough for the instruments, lamps, bowls, cups, tables, altars, and more. David told Solomon that Solomon could do it and Solomon would have the support of others to accomplish everything. David shows us the way to hand over leadership, ensure completion of the vision, and provide for support from the leadership.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
How would you change over leadership in your current or former work or volunteer position to ensure future success?