Today I read 2 Chronicles 11, in which Rehoboam builds strongholds after people in Israel turned away from the kingdom. Today I considered that the prayers and devotion of the people can bless a location regardless of the leadership, and some strategic leaders are not following God.
Prayers of the People
God can keep leaders in check while allowing leaders some of their plans and allowing the kingdom to flourish because of the prayers of the people (2 Chronicles 11:1-17). Rehoboam brought together warriors from Judah and Benjamin to force Israel back into the kingdom of Rehoboam. God had Shemiah, a man of God, speak to Rehoboam and all of Israel in Judah and Benjamin to not fight against their brothers. Rehoboam then built strongholds and put captains, food, and weapons within them. Rehoboam replaced the Levite priests with priests for devils and calves. Other Israelites were still seeking God and following the instructions of David, which caused the kingdom to strengthen for three years. Even though the king turned from God, the devotion of the people strengthened and protected the land.
Strategic Non-Followers
A person can still be strategic, even if they are not following God, and focused on their own desires (2 Chronicles 11:18-23). Rehoboam desired many wives. He had children by his many wives and concubines. Rehoboam placed them throughout the country in all the strongholds and provided them with supplies. People having a plan and being a leader does not always mean they are following God.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
Do you have an example of an organization with a corrupt leader but the faithful workers keep everything going?