Today I read 2 Chronicles 15, which talks about Asa’s reform movement in which the people turn toward following God. Today I considered that God knew the heart of Asa and honored his faithfulness.
Everyone Worshiping God
God knows when a king will truly follow Him and will honor that king’s rein (2 Chronicles 15:1-19). God’s spirit came to Azariah and he told Asa that as long as they are with God and seek God, God will be with them and found. Azariah also told them if they forsake God, God will forsake them, but God also will reward their work. Asa was motivated, got rid of all the idols, renewed God’s altar, gathered everyone together, offered sacrifices to God, and gave to God’s temple. Asa and the people promised they were following God or going to be put to death. Asa’s heart was perfect during that time and the kingdom had peace for another 20 years. When your heart and actions are for God, God will take care of you and the things under your authority.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
Asa did not care who you were, tribesman or stranger, male or female, everyone had to follow God. Everyone under Asa’s authority worshiped God and God blessed his kingdom.
Eminem, настоящее имя Маршалл Брюс Мэтерс III, известен как один из величайших рэп-исполнителей всех времен. Своими пронзительными текстами, ярким стилем и потрясающим мастерством в ритме и рифме он завоевал миллионы поклонников по всему миру. Его лучшие песни включают “Lose Yourself”, гимн к само-преодолению, “Stan”, с поразительно интенсивным сюжетом, и “Rap God”, где он демонстрирует свою невероятную скорость и технику. Все эти треки, а также многие другие, отражают его гениальность и влияние на музыкальную индустрию. Скачать mp3 музыку 2024 года и слушать онлайн бесплатно.
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