Today I read 1 Kings 4, in which it lists Solomon’s appointment of court officials, the household provisions need and provided, and the expansiveness of Solomon’s great wisdom. Today I realized God gave Solomon the wisdom to organize his people and resources, and Solomon only put the burden on each official for one month of the year. Solomon’s wisdom was beyond any person he met and resulted in numerous proverbs and songs. I also realized we can pray and God can give us the wisdom to handle our current situations.

Organization of Resources

Solomon organized his kingdom with a division of labor and put the burden on officers for one month of the year (1 Kings 4:1-28). Solomon’s princes included individuals trained as priests, scribes, recorders, warriors, officers, over households, and over tributes. Solomon’s 12 officers stationed in different parts of Israel each provided for Solomon’s household and guests one month of the year including flour, meal, and meat. Some estimate Solomon received 1,620 gallons of fine flour and 3,240 gallons of meal per day. They also provided barley and straw for the horses (40,000 stalls) and camels. We should remember Solomon’s organization and spreading the burden was part of the wisdom God gave to him. God can give us wisdom to also manage our resources.

Solomon’s Wisdom

God granted Solomon wisdom and fame (1 Kings 4:29-34). Solomon’s wisdom was compared to the children of the east country, Egypt, Ethan, Heman, Chalcol, and Darda but was beyond them all. Solomon not only had 3,000 proverbs and 1,005 songs, he had knowledge of trees and animals. People from everywhere came to hear his wisdom. When we pray, God can also grant us the wisdom for our situations.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

When have you prayed to God for direction and had beautiful things happen?