Today I read 1 Kings 14, where Ahijah made the prophesy against Jeroboam and Rehoboam had war throughout his reign. Today I considered that God can give to us, take away from us, give peace, and allow war.
Prediction of Jeroboam’s Downfall
God had Ahijah predict Jeroboam’s rise and his downfall (1 Kings 14:1-18). Jeroboam’s son Abijah became sick. Jeroboam told his wife to disguise herself and go to Shiloh. She went to ask the prophet Ahijah, who predicted Jeroboam being king, what would happen to the child. Ahijah lost his sight due to old age, but God told him who was coming and what to say. Ahijah told Jeroboam’s wife that God took the kingdom from David’s line and gave it to Jeroboam, but Jeroboam has done more evil than anyone before him. Jeroboam did not follow God like David. God will bring evil on the house of Jeroboam. Abijah had some good in him and will be the only male of Jeroboam’s line to be buried. Abjiah will die when Jeroboam’s wife goes back to the city. Every other male of Jeroboam’s line will be eaten by dogs or birds. God will put a different king over Israel to cut off the line of Jeroboam. God will scatter Israel. Jeroboam’s wife left and Abijah died when she returned. God can take things away from us when we go against Him.
Rehoboam Had War
Rehoboam did not follow God and had war continually (1 Kings 14:21-30). Solomon’s son Rehoboam reigned as king of Judah, allowing the people to worship false gods and commit abominations. During Rehoboam’s fifth year of reigning, the king of Egypt Shishak took all the treasures of the house of the Lord and the king’s house. Rehoboam was also at war with Jeroboam all of his reign. God can allow us to constantly have losing battles and war if we do not choose God.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
Jeroboam was given a kingdom and would lose it because of not following God. Rehoboam was abundantly rich and would lose it because of not following God.
What have you been given and forgot or stopped placing God in the center of that job, activity, or item?