Today I read 1 Kings 18, in which Elijah and Obadiah meet when Elijah is looking for Ahab, and God showed His might to the false prophets and Elijah on mount Carmel. Today I considered that God had people protecting those that followed Him, and God got the glory from the miracles on mount Carmel.
Believers Saved
God protected Elijah and other believers during the hard times (1 Kings 18:1-16). God told the prophet Elijah to find king Ahab and God would send rain, so Elijah went looking for Ahab. Ahab and Obadiah, the governor of Ahab’s house, met and divided the land between them searching along water sources for grass to save the horses. Elijah met Obadiah first and told Obadiah to bring Ahab to him. Obadiah had loved God from when he was young and hid and fed 100 prophets so they would not be killed by Jezebel. Obadiah was afraid Elijah would leave before he came back with Ahab. Elijah said he would meet Ahab that day. Obadiah trusted Elijah, found Ahab, and told him were to meet Elijah. God does protect His children including those of us that follow Him.
God’s Might on Mount Carmel
God showed His power in front of all Israel and the false prophets (1 Kings 18:17-46). Elijah explained to Ahab that Ahab and others turning from God to worship Baalim caused Israel trouble. Elijah told Ahab to have all the children of Israel, all the prophets of Baal, and prophets of the grove meet on mount Carmel. When everyone was gathered, Elijah said the people needed to choose to either worship God or Baal, but they did not respond. Elijah challenged the false prophets to making a sacrifice and seeing whether calling on the Lord or on their gods was answered by fire. The false prophets went first crying out all day, from morning to evening, even cutting themselves, and no fire came. Elijah prepared his offering of the evening sacrifice, drenched the wood with water, and asked the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel to show he was God. God’s fire fell and consumed the burnt sacrifice. All the people believed on the Lord. Elijah had them catch all of the false prophets and he killed them. Elijah went to the top of mount Camel and prayed until the rain started coming. They ran to Jezreel before the rain reached them. God got the glory for the fire on mount Camel but throughout the land people would also know God controls the rain.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
God uses people to bring others to believe in God.
What person do you know whose actions or words encourage you or others to believe in God?