Today I read 1 Kings 21, in which Jezebel planed Naboth’s death to get Naboth’s vineyard for her husband. Today I considered that we should not take from others what they refuse to sale and to be careful of who you let use your authority.
Taking Naboth’s Vineyard
God declares punishment on Ahab’s line for Naboth’s death and taking his inheritance. Naboth had a vineyard close to Ahab’s house. Ahab asked to purchase it to make the vineyard a garden for himself. Naboth refused because the land was the inheritance of his fathers. Ahab became depressed about it and Jezebel his wife asked Ahab what was wrong. Jezebel used Ahab’s authority to write elders and nobles in Naboth’s city. Jezebel instructed them to have a fast and seem like they are honoring Naboth, but two men that worship Belial will give false witness against Naboth. They were then to stone Naboth to death. After Naboth’s death, Jezebel told Ahab he could have Naboth’s field. Elijah came and told Ahab that God was going to destroy Ahab and Ahab’s line like he did Jeroboam and Baasha. Elijah said Jezebel shall be eaten by dogs and Ahab’s line shall be eaten by dogs and birds. Ahab humbled himself and God granted mercy so the judgment on Ahab’s line would come after Ahab’s death. God does not want us to take by force from others what they refuse to sale.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
Ahab’s family line was destroyed because of his wife Jezebel’s use of his authority. Ahab was not the individual that had Naboth killed. Jezebel had Naboth killed. We have to be careful about who we let use our authority. Some people will misuse it.
Who have you given or loaned something to and realized they misused it?