Today I read 2 Kings 17, in which Samaria was captured by the Assyrians, Israel resettled with Assyrians, and God allowed these events because of the sins of Israel and Judah. Today I considered that God can decrease our freedom because of disobedience, and God requires respect.
Captivity Because of Disobedience
Israel became captive of Assyria because of their behavior and lack of faith ( 2 Kings 17:1-23). Elah’s son Hosea became king of Israel in Samaria. He submitted to Assyria for years including giving gifts. Hosea one day gave gifts to Egypt instead of Assyria. Hosea was put in prison by Assyria and Israel was carried away into Assyria. God allowed their captivity because of their sins including worshipping and serving idols, rejecting God’s statutes, not believing in God, and not fearing God. Lack of faith can lead to lack of freedom.
Fearing God
The new people in the land learned to at least fear God (2 King 17:24-41). Assyria sent people from Babylon, Cuthah, Ava, Hamath, and Sepharavaim to settle in Samaria where Israel used to dwell. God sent lions to kill some of them because they did not fear the Lord. They asked for guidance for the god of the land and the king sent an Israel priest. These people both feared The Lord and served their graven images. God did not allow people to stay in His land that did not at least fear him.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
God requires us to respect/fear Him or live with the consequences.
What happened to the last person you heard about that had no respect or fear for God?