Today I read 2 Kings 21, in which Manasseh, king of Judah did enough evil for God to forsake Jerusalem, and Amon, king of Judah also did evil. Today I considered that God looks at both the leaders and those following them before passing judgment.

King Condemning Jerusalem

A king did so much evil and had the people commit evil such that he caused everyone to be condemned (2 Kings 21:1-23). Hezekiah’s son Manasseh reigned over Jerusalem and Judah doing evil in the sight of the Lord. Manasseh built high places, worshiped Baal, put graven images in God’s house, caused the people to do more evil than anyone else, and shed innocent blood. God said the evil He will bring on Jerusalem and Judah, because of the evil of Manasseh and the people, will make people’s ears tingle when they hear it. When Manasseh passed, his son Amon became king and continued to do evil in the sight of the Lord until he was killed. God considers the actions of both the leaders and the people when He is making judgments.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

God looks at all those involved when He is passing judgment.

Do you have an example of the people being protected only because of a good leader?

Do you have an example of the leaders being protected only because of good workers/people?