Today I read Joshua 3 and 4, where Israel crosses the Jordan upon dried ground as they moved toward Jerico. Today I considered that the priests baring the ark had to be in good health to the carry and hold the ark of the covenant throughout the journey.

God’s Ark Passing Over A Dried Jordan

God had the people pass over the Jordan on dried ground when going towards Jerico (Joshua 3:1-4:24). Joshua had the people move to the Jordan and stay there three days. The officers went among the people and told them the ark of the covenant would show the way but to stay a certain distance away from the ark as they crossed over. Joshua told the people what God told him and had the people sanctify themselves. The waters moved as the priests that carried the ark of the covenant went and stood in the Jordan. The people and the warriors passed over the Jordan on dried ground. Joshua picked one man from each tribe to get a stone from the dried part of the Jordan to carry to their lodging place for the night. Joshua also set 12 stones in the midst of the Jordan where the priests were holding the ark. After everything was done and everyone had crossed the Jordan, the priests holding the ark of the covenant passed over the Jordan. Then the waters of the Jordan returned to their place. The people camped at Gilgal and Joshua pitched the 12 stones from the Jordan there as a reminder the people passed over the Jordan on dry ground. Joshua said God did this so everyone on earth would know God is mighty and fear God.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

The priests doing the work of God to carry the ark of the covenant had to be in good physical shape to carry and hold the ark while the people of Israel crossed over the Jordan. This thought led to the thought that priests being able to do all the work that God requires need to also be in good health.

What priests have you met that are staying in good health so they can do all the work God calls them to do?