Today I read Joshua 7, in which Achan’s sin caused the children of Israel to lose a battle and lives. Today I considered that sometimes one person can make everything else go wrong.

One Bad Person Ruining the Group

God turned from Israel because of one man’s actions, and Israel eliminated him to gain back God’s favor (Joshua 7:1-26). Joshua sent men to Ai to view the country. The men said Ai had few people so only about 3,000 men needed to go to kill them. The men of Ai won the battle, chasing the Israelites, and even killed 36 men. The people were distressed. Joshua rent his clothes and cried out to God. God said someone took an accursed thing so God was not with Israel and they lost the battle. God told Joshua to sanctify himself and the people. God narrowed down the person to tribe, family, household and the man to eliminate. Achan admitted to taking a garment, silver, and gold from Jericho to hide under his tent. The people took Achan, his children, his livestock, and all his possessions to the valley of Achor. They stoned Achan to death and burnt him with fire so the Lord turned from his fierce anger. God can turn away from a group of people because of one person among them.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

Have you ever had one person that every time they are with the group there is a problem?