Today I read Joshua 8, after Ai defeated Israel, the destruction of Ai came from Israel. Today I considered that God can turn defeat into victory and after we give our first to God, God lets us keep the blessings He bestows.

Defeat to Victory

The Lord told Joshua to fear not, God has given Joshua the king, city, people, and land (Joshua 8:1-35). God instructed Joshua on how to win the battle. Joshua had 30,000 mighty men of valor hide behind the city on the west side at night, waiting to ambush Ai when everyone left the city. Joshua went with his people before the city on the north side. Joshua and his people fought and then fled toward the wilderness luring out the people of Ai to chase after them. Ai left the city open without men because everyone pursued Israel. Israel’s mighty men went into the city, took it, and set it on fire. When everyone saw the city on fire, Israel turned from fleeing to the wilderness to fight the people of Ai and Ai had no escape because the city was on fire. Israel killed the people, kept the animals and valuables as spoil for the people of Israel, and hung the king of Ai on a tree. In Mount Ebal, Joshua built an altar to the Lord, wrote a copy of the law of Moses on the stones, and read the law to the congregation of Israel. Joshua did what God told him to do and honored God because of the victory.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

After Joshua and the people killed Achan for taking the things, God gave them victory over Ai instead of defeat from Ai. Sometimes when we clean up our lives from hindrances our defeats turn to victories.

What have you eliminated in your life that led to better health, wealth, or victory?

God received all the valuables from the defeat of Jericho, meaning God received the first fruits. Then God gave the next battles valuables to the people.

What do you give to God first before taking some for yourself?