Today I read 1 Samuel 4, in which Israel was defeated by the Philistines who took the Ark of the Covenant, and Eli and his sons died. Today I considered that multiple losses can impact a person’s health and God warned about something major coming at the time of Eli’s death.
Israel’s Defeat and Eli’s Death
Loss upon loss occurred within a short period of time (1 Samuel 4:1-22). Israel went to battle against the Philistines and lost 4,000 men. The elders had the Ark of the Covenant taken from Shiloh to the camp to win the battle. The Ark was brought by Eli’s sons, Hophni and Phinehas. The Israelites shouted with joy when they saw the Ark. The Philistines heard and feared but fought to ensure they were not Israel’s servants. Israel lost 30,000 people in battle, Eli’s sons were killed, and the Ark was taken by the Philistines. Eli was 98 years old and heavy when heard of the lost battle. Eli fell over and broke his neck when he heard the Ark was taken. Phinehas’ pregnant wife went into labor when she heard her husband and father-in-law were dead. She named the child Ichabod because God’s glory had left. Multiple losses can negatively impact individuals’ mental and physical health.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
Loss is a part of life but sometimes individuals experiencing multiple losses too close together can even harm their health.
What coping mechanisms to you have in place to handle loss?
The first time God spoke to Samuel and called him in 1 Samuel 3, God told of a great thing happening with the death of Eli and it began with the taking of the Ark.
Have you heard of anyone else warning of something major happening at a certain person’s death?