Today I read 1 Samuel 14, in which Jonathan attacks the Philistines causing the Philistines to flee. Jonathan unknowingly breaks Saul’s oath of not eating and was almost put to death. Saul also went to war against other nations, fighting his enemies on every side. Today I considered that sometimes when God has us start a fight, he has other hidden fighters that will come to help us win the battle. Today I also considered that sometimes others will try to protect you when they know the effort you put into winning.

Effective Hidden Attack

Jonathan did not tell anyone he was going to attack the Philistines garrison; he succeeded and was joined in the battle (1 Samuel 14:1-23). Jonathan and his armor bearer went between two sharp rocks to get into the Philistine’s garrison. The Philistines welcomed them thinking Jonathan and the armor bearer were Hebrews who hid in the rocks. Jonathan and his armor bearer took the opportunity to start killing Philistines causing Philistines to fight against each other and Hebrews in the garrison joined to fight the Philistines. Israelite men hidden in the mountains also joined the fight. God saved Israel with hidden warriors.

Jonathan’s Almost Death

A person’s unknowing sin almost killed him but his victory caused others to save his life (1 Samuel 14:24-46). While Jonathan was not present, Saul made an oath that no one could eat before evening so Saul could get his enemies or they would be cursed. The men saw Jonathan taste some honey that dropped from the trees and told Jonathan about his father’s curse. They fought all day, pursuing the Philistines and were faint with hunger. Israelites killed animals and ate them without cooking them because they were so hungry. Saul had the men make an offering to the Lord because of this sin. Saul asked God about continuing to pursue the Philistines and did not get an answer so he knew someone sinned. They narrowed it to Jonathan. Saul would have killed Jonathan. The people stopped Saul because of the victory Jonathan caused with his hidden attack.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

God knew He had hidden fighters planted in the land and Jonathan’s actions stirred them to fight the Philistines. When fighting God’s battles we need faith to believe God will send us the resources and people we need to win.

When have you started a project or battle and God blessed you with unexpected help or assistance?