Today I read 1 Samuel 18, in which Jonathan loved David and swore friendship with David, and Saul’s hatred of David grew because of jealousy and fear. Today I considered that sometimes real friends are instant when God ties the friends together. I also considered that leaders can be afraid of those they put in power even if the others are just working for the kingdom.

Instant Friendship

Some deep friendships occur at first meeting (1 Samuel 18:1-4). David had just told Saul who his father was and Jonathan’s soul was knit with David’s soul. Jonathan made a covenant of friendship with David because he loved him. Jonathan took off his robe, sword, bow, and girdle to give them to David. A true friendship was born.

Respect to Fear

Saul first respected David but then feared his popularity and God’s favor upon him (1 Samuel 18:5-30). David followed Saul, behaving wisely, and was put over all the warriors. After battle with the Philistines, David and Saul returned. The women sang of Saul killing thousands and David killing ten thousands, so Saul was angry with David. The evil spirit troubled Saul again and Saul threw a lightweight spear at David that David avoided. Saul decreased who David was over to being captain of a thousand. Israel and Judah still loved David and Saul saw the Lord was with David. Saul’s daughter Michal loved David. Saul was pleased to give her to David to ensnare him. Saul asked for 100 Philistine foreskins as dowry. David and his men went and killed 200 Philistines to give the foreskins to Saul. David continued to behave wisely and gain more favor with the people and Saul became more afraid.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

David and Jonathan’s friendship makes me think of the phrase “closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24). God can knit souls to make people love each other as family even without blood ties. There is nothing wrong with this as we can see in 1 Samuel and in Proverbs. We just have to make sure it was of God.

When did you last pray about your friendships to make sure they were approved by God?

Leadership can fear their workers. Even David had to dodge a spear. Pray to God so that you know beforehand what to do to ensure your own safety.