Today I read 1 Samuel 30, in which David smites the Amalekites that took their families away.  Today I considered that leaders should think of others when they obtain great gain, especially those that ministered to them.

Loss to Gain

David and his men came home to the greatest loss, family, but gained them back and more riches (1 Samuel 30:1-31). David and his men returned to Ziklag and found their town on fire, no one killed, but all the women and children taken away. Even David’s wives Ahinoam and Abigail were taken. David and his men were distressed. The people spoke of stoning David. David inquired of God if they should go after them and God said yes. David and his 600 men went but at Besor brook 200 were too tired to cross and stayed behind. David and his men fed a sick, weak, left behind, Egyptian servant. The servant revived, told them about the places the Amalekites raided and where to find the Amalekites. The Amalekites were celebrating, drinking and dancing. David and his men fought, killing them from dusk until the next evening. David and his men recovered everything. David made his men share with the men left behind at the brook. David took a portion for himself and shared it with elders in Judah, his friends, and people in all the places David and his men used to stay.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

These Amalekites are the same people God told Saul to completely destroy. Saul did not. They continued to come back and hurt Israel. Imagine coming home from a long march, you did not go to war but traveled far, and found everyone’s wives, sons, daughters, nieces, nephews, servants, friends, cattle, and pets gone because they were taken captive. The Amalekites did that.

David thought of Judah’s elders, his friends, and those that ministered to them when they were traveling from place to place. David cared about those that cared about him and took steps to show them.

Have you done anything lately to show those who care about you that you care about them too?