Today I read 2 Samuel 11, in which David sins against Uriah and Bathsheba. Today I considered that we can look at the examples of those in the Bible but no human being is perfect except Jesus Christ.

David’s Sin Against His Own Warrior

David was not doing what he should and sinned against Uriah and Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11:1-27). At the time kings normally battle, David stayed home but sent Joab and the army to fight. David got up late in the evening, saw Bathsheba bathing on her roof, found out she was married to Uriah the Hittite, and had her brought to his bed. David found out he got Bathsheba pregnant, brought Uriah home from the battle, and tried for a couple of days to get Uriah to visit Uriah’s house where Bathsheba lived. Uriah refused to enjoy going home and comfort while the servants to the Lord were fighting and the Ark was in a tent. David sent Uriah back to the battle with a note to give Joab, the note said to have Uriah die in the battle by placing him in the hottest part of the fight and retreating from him. Joab followed David’s instructions and sent a messenger to tell David Uriah was dead. After Bathsheba mourned Uriah’s death, David had her brought to his house as his wife. God disliked David’s actions toward Uriah and Bathsheba.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

David is someone many use as an example in the Bible but he was flawed. David was home instead of leading the battle. He was even sleeping all day and got up in the evening, like he was just enjoying life without doing all the responsibilities like battling. Bathsheba was doing the normal custom for women to purify herself after her period, when she is fertile. She even did so at night, not during the day, so she would not be as likely to be seen. Other women did the same thing, this was normal. David saw her and knew she was married to one of his mighty men fighting in battle. David had his servants bring her anyway and she had no choice but to come to his bed. Then David tried to cover up his sin by having Uriah come from the battle to sleep with Bathsheba. Uriah was too honorable toward God to go home to his wife while the Ark was in a tent and his comrades were fighting. David had Uriah killed to cover up his own sin. David committed adultery and murder. No person is perfect except Jesus Christ.

When has a leader or person you admired let you down with their actions?