Today I read the book of Habakkuk which talks about Habakkuk’s vision of the coming violence upon the children of Israel, God dealing with the just versus the unrighteous, and Habakkuk’s prayer. Today I considered that God warns us when we face a coming downfall, God protects the just even during His judgment, and we can ask God to help us and strengthen us.
Why Vision of Violence
Habakkuk asks about his vision and gets God’s response (Habakkuk 1:1-11). God responds that those living among the heathen will witness God’s unbelievable work. God will raise up the Chaldeans to conquer the land with violence and fierce horsemen. They’ll conquer the strongholds and laugh at the kings and princes. God warns us sometimes of our coming downfall when he uses are unexpected people against us.
Life or Woe
God says He will give life to the just and woe to the unrighteous (Habakkuk 2:1-20). The “just shall live by his faith” (Habakkuk 2:4b KJV). The unrighteous did violence, desire evil, built a town with blood, made their neighbor a drunk, sinned against the soul, and made idols thus the “violence of Lebanon shall cover” (Habakkuk 2:17a KJV) them. God will protect us if we are the just even when God is punishing the unjust.
Habakkuk’s Prayer
Habakkuk asks God to revive His powerful works and to be his strength (Habakkuk 3:1-19). God has power over the heavens, the earth, the mountains, the seas, the sun and the moon. Habakkuk will rejoice in God and God will be his strength. We can also ask God to do wondrous works in our lives and give us strength.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
When was the last time you asked God to help you and you were surprised at how well everything turned out?