Today I read the book of Haggai about Haggai telling God’s children to rebuild God’s temple and the prediction of Jesus’ lineage. Today I considered God can allow hardships to get us to do what He wants, information about Christ Jesus is throughout the Old Testament, and God saying all nations will contribute towards the Israelites temple.

Rebuilding God’s Temple

God was causing the Israelites not to prosper because His temple was not rebuilt (Haggai 1:1-15). God caused them to not have enough food and drink, and a drought upon the land. The people had finished buildings to live in but were not completing God’s temple. Haggai told them to build the temple then Zerubbabel (the governor), Joshua (the high priest) and other Israelites were encouraged to work on God’s house. God can allow hardship and difficulties when motivating us toward action.

Zerubbabel is Chosen

God shows the coming of Jesus in the book of Haggai. God says He will overthrow kingdoms and Zerubbabel will be God’s signet (Haggai 2:20-23). God is reaffirming the covenant. This shows the prediction of Christ Jesus’ lineage through David’s descendant Zerubbabel.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

Haggai made me think about my nation. God said the current temple was not as beautiful as the first temple, but God will have all nations contribute to the latter temple (Haggai 2:1-9). The latter temple will be more glorious than the first temple. What do you think about all nations contributing to Israel’s temple? How do you feel about your nation contributing to the Israelites right now?

Next I plan on reading Zechariah then Malachi.