Today I read Zechariah 8, which talks about God’s intent to restore Jerusalem and dwell among His chosen children. Today I considered that God allows conflict but peace will follow, and God loves both the Israelites and those that seek after Him.

Restored Jerusalem

God gives a word about the affliction in Jerusalem being replaced with joy and fruitfulness (Zechariah 8:1-12). God warns that Jerusalem will face people fighting in the streets, nations fighting against them, and an unfruitful land. After God returns to live with the Israelites, there will be peace in Israel, the joy of children playing in the streets, and a fruitful, productive land. We need to have faith that even when conflict and war arises God can bring back peace and productivity to that land.

All Seeking God

God’s return to live in Israel will benefit both the Israelites and others that seek God (Zechariah 8:13-23). God’s city will be filled with truth, justice, and being kind to your neighbors. People from all over the world will come to pray before God because they know God is with Israel. The people will be from all nations and all languages. We should remember that God loves both the Israelites and those who seek after God.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

Who do you know from a different culture, nation, or knows another language that also loves God?