Today I read 1 Chronicles 10, which tells how Saul and his sons were killed on mount Gilboa. Today I considered that God does not always protect individuals who are repeatedly sinning.
Dying for Your Sin
God let Saul die for the sins he committed (1 Chronicles 10:1-14). Saul did not follow what God told him to do, did not ask God for guidance, and even consulted a familiar spirit. Saul’s sons were killed by the Philistines, and Saul killed himself before the Philistines could catch him. Saul’s head and armor were paraded about by the Philistines until the brave men of Jabesh-gilead rescued the bodies of Saul and his sons. God will not always protect us if we repeatedly sin.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
Dwelling in your sin can lead to hardship and even death. Instead we should seek Christ Jesus to be our savior and let God’s might, power, and strength help set us free from sin.
What have you or someone you know faced that seemed too hard to do so you prayed until God made it happen?