Today I read 1 Chronicles 21, about Satan inspiring David’s census and God’s response of wrath. Today I considered that leaders make mistakes impacting the people but God’s mercy can step in.

Satan Tricks Leaders

David listened to Satan to number the people; God responded by hurting Israel, but allowed David to offer sacrifices to God (1 Chronicles 21:1-30). David took Satan’s idea and told Joab to number everyone. Joab protested and tried to stop king David, but David obtained his census. God started hurting Israel and gave David three choices for punishment. David chose to be delivered into God’s hand for judgment knowing God is merciful. David asked that the punishment be on him alone but God’s angel killed 70,000 men before God stopped the angel. The angel had Gad tell David to build an altar on the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite. David purchased the land and sacrificed to God there. We should remember that leaders make mistakes that can harm their people, but God’s mercy can prevail in the end.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

Even David, a man after God’s own heart, who cared about his people, was tricked by Satan. David was warned not to do the census by his top leader, Joab, and still did not listen. Is there anything you believe could have been done to get a leader to listen and ask God before taking action?

God gave David 3 choices for punishment: 3 years of nature issues including famine, 3 months of enemies winning, or 3 days of the sword of the Lord. Which punishment would you have chosen and why?