Today I read 1 Chronicles 25, which tells of the organizing of the arrangements of music. Today I considered that God is organized even in the teams selected to lead music.

Organization by Lot

David and the captains separated people to organize the music to prophesy, praise and worship God (1 Chronicles 25:1-31). They identified 288 skilled people who knew the songs of the Lord, some knowing how to play harps, psalteries, cymbals, and horns. Lots were cast or a drawing occurred numbering the 288 into 24 groups of 12 people. Praising God is for everyone but our Bible example shows organized teams leading the praise.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

When we are arranging groups of people, it’s okay to draw numbers to see who goes first. Have you participated in an event where there were drawings to organize the people or organize the order of the performances?