Today I read 2 Chronicles 1, in which Solomon asks for wisdom. Today I considered that we should ask God how to take care of the blessings He gives to us.

Wisdom to Care for Blessings

God was already favoring Solomon when Solomon sacrificed to God and asked for wisdom but received more (2 Chronicles 1:1-12).  God gave Solomon a stronger kingdom. Solomon and the congregation went to where Moses had made a tabernacle in the wilderness. Solomon offered a thousand burnt offerings and God appeared to him. Solomon asked for the promises made to David and the wisdom and knowledge to judge the people. God granted Solomon his request plus giving him riches, wealth, and honor. Even while we are blessed by God, we need to ask for direction in how to manage and take care of those blessings.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

We need to know how to take care of our blessings. Have you ever prayed for something but did not know what to do or how to take care of it when you got it?