Today I read 2 Chronicles 9, in which the queen of Sheba visited Solomon, and Solomon’s wealth and wisdom was known across the world. Today I considered that Solomon’s wisdom was real resulting in other rulers worshiping God, and when God pours out a blessing that blessing can continue to keep growing.
Solomon’s was Real
The queen of Sheba heard of Solomon’s wisdom and came to see if it was real (2 Chronicles 9:1-12). The queen came bearing gifts and asking questions. She gave gold, precious stones, and spices unlike found anywhere else. The queen of Sheba found that Solomon could answer any question or riddle, and his household was organized and had well-trained workers. The queen of Sheba said blessed be the Lord thy God and began to worship God. Solomon gave the queen anything she desired before she returned to her own land. People’s genuine talents or blessings can bring rulers and others to also worship God.
The Wisest and Richest Man
King Solomon’s kingdom was both the wisest and the richest (2 Chronicles 9:13-28). Solomon’s God-given wisdom was sought out by all the kings of the earth. All the kings of the earth brought Solomon presents of gold, silver, clothes, spices, horses and more. More wisdom and riches actually caused Solomon to continue to get even more. When God pours out blessings, the blessings can keep coming.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
Everything takes time but it can be worth it. It took Solomon 20 years to build up his kingdom and become famous around the world, but he was able to enjoy that blessing for another 20 years, reining a total of 40 years. Even the queen of Sheba and others kings traveled to see Solomon and give gifts because of his wisdom.
What have you worked on that took years to accomplish but you know the work will be worth it later?