Today I read 2 Chronicles 18, about the prophecy against Ahab going to fight in Ramoth-gilead. Today I considered that the many voices telling them to go fight were wrong but the one voice of the real prophet was right. We are to remember to listen to that still small voice of the Holy Spirit.
Many Wrong One Right
When two kings meet, the one following God must not sway to the voices of the one wanting to do whatever he pleases (2 Chronicles 18:1-34). Jehoshaphat, the rich prosperous king of Judah, developed a friendship or alliance with Ahab, the disobedient king of Israel. Jehoshaphat visited Ahab. Ahab fed Jehoshaphat and his people, and convinced Jehoshaphat to go with him to fight in Ramoth-gilead. Before they left Jehoshaphat made sure they asked the prophets. Many prophets said they would win but the only real prophet of Israel said the many prophets were being tricked and they would lose the battle. Jehoshaphat and Ahab still went to fight. Jehoshaphat cried out to God and God spared his life, but Ahab was wounded and died. Even those following God can be tricked by the many voices instead of the real voice from God.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
There are so many thoughts that come into my mind from 2 Chronicles 18 including friendships leading you to destruction, being around the wrong person too long, knowing there is a real prophet but listening to the false prophets, and more. I decided to focus on the thought that sometimes many voices are wrong and that one still small voice from God is right. We cannot let the masses lead us to do something wrong.
When have you done something different from the crowd and God blessed you?