Today I read 2 Chronicles 20, in which Moab and Ammon were defeated by God, and later Jehoshaphat again tried to make a wrong alliance. Today I considered that God allowed the enemy to come against Jehoshaphat to give God’s people peace, and God can destroy alliances to stop us from joining with the enemy.
God Fights For Us
Large armies came but God fought and brought the land rest (2 Chronicles 20:1-30). A large army from Moab, Ammon and mount Seir came to fight Jehoshaphat. Jehoshaphat reminded God of His promises and asked God for His direction. All of Judah including men, women, and children stood before the Lord. God gave guidance through Jahaziel to the people that it was God’s battle to fight and tomorrow Judah and Jerusalem were to go see what God had done. They praised God that night. The next day Jehoshaphat had singers to sing of God’s beautiful holiness. As the people sang and praised God, God had the large army turn against each other and kill each other. It took Jehoshaphat and the people three days to take away all the riches and jewels from the dead bodies. The fourth day they blessed God. Then they returned to Jerusalem and went to God’s house praising God with instruments. Everyone feared going against God’s chosen and they had rest. God can allow others to come against us but defeat the enemy to such an extent that others will leave you alone.
Wrong Alliance Again
The king did a mistake in his alliances again and God destroyed their work (2 Chronicles 20:35-37). Jehoshaphat again joined with a sinful king of Israel, Ahaziah, to make ships to go to Tarshish. God had the ships destroyed. Sometimes God stops us from doing an activity because He does not want us aligning with the wrong person or thing.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
When have you seen God stop something you thought would be good and found out later it was a blessing you did not do it?