Today I read 2 Chronicles 33, in which Manasseh reigned as king of Judah and then Amon reigned as king of Judah. Today I considered that God can save those that are very wicked but no one knows how long they have to be saved.

God Saves the Wicked

This king turned to idols and doing wickedness, was captured, turned to God, and took away the idols (2 Chronicles 33:1-20). Manasseh became king at 12 years old, did evil, and caused Jerusalem to also do evil. He set up idols and altars even in God’s house, worshiped Baalim, and had his children pass through fire. Manasseh and the people did not listen when God warned them. God brought Assyria against them and Manasseh was taken captive and tortured. Manasseh prayed out to God for help and God brought him back to Jerusalem. Manasseh believed in God and took away the idols, but the people still sacrificed to God in the high places. Manasseh was buried in his house. God even saves those who have been very wicked if they turn to God.

Amon’s Short Reign

This king lasted only two years doing wrong before God (2 Chronicles 33:21-25). Amon, Manasseh’s son, was 22 years old when he became king. He sacrificed to idols, did not humble himself as Manasseh had, and was killed by his servants. God does not always give sinners a long time to repent.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

Only God truly knows our heart and how long He will give us to come to Him. Some people have one or two years while others have decades.

How does knowing that the time to come to God can be short impact your actions?