Today I read 2 Chronicles 35, in which king Josiah had observed the Passover and Josiah died after joining a battle. Today I considered that when everything is lined up with workers doing their jobs you can complete things quicker, and we should not join battles God does not want us to join.
Passover in One Day
Josiah had a Passover completed in one day and also held the feast of unleavened bread (2 Chronicles 35:1-19). Josiah was around 26 years old when he had the people observe a Passover unto the Lord unlike anything all the kings of Israel kept. Josiah had the priests and Levites prepare for the Passover like the writings of David and Solomon. Josiah, his princes, and rulers of the house of God, and others willingly gave the priests and Levites cattle and items for the Passover. The singers, porters, and others participating in the service of the Passover stayed at their posts as the Levites prepared for them. They had the Passover in one day and the feast of unleavened bread seven days. We can complete tasks quickly sometimes in one day when everyone stays at their job and we have others taking care of their needs like providing food.
Death in an Unnecessary Battle
Josiah went to fight a battle he did not have to join and died (2 Chronicles 35: 20-25). After Josiah had prepared the temple, Necho king of Egypt went to battle Carchemish and Josiah joined the battle. Necho told Josiah that God sent him to battle and Josiah should not participate. Necho was not at war with Josiah. Josiah disguised himself and went anyway. He was wounded, brought back to Jerusalem, and died. People lamented and grieved the death of Josiah. Sometimes we should be careful and not join fights that we do not need to join or face unexpected consequences.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
What fight have you seen someone join that was not their fight and they were hurt worse than person they were trying to help?
I was thinking about how God kept his promise from 2 Chronicles 34 in that Josiah died when his land was at peace with others. He did not have to go to war, but did so anyway. Josiah did not see the wrath of God upon the people.