Today I read 1 Kings 1, in which king David is old, his son Adonijah seeks to be king but Solomon is anointed king. Today I considered that elderly people still have supporters, David was a man of action when needed, and Bathsheba was blessed after her loses.

Who Is King of Judah

The king’s inaction, age, and declining health left the opening for someone to claim themselves as king (I Kings 1:1-27). King David was old and experiencing health problems maintaining his body heat so beautiful Abishag was chosen to take care of him but not have intercourse with him. Adonijah decided to be king giving himself chariots, horsemen and running men. The captain of the army Joab and priest Abiathar agreed to follow him. Adonijah had a celebration saying he was king with his brothers (David’s sons) and the king’s servants (the men of Judah). David never did anything to stop Adonijah. Prophet Nathan warned Bathsheba of the danger to her and Solomon. Bathsheba asked David if Solomon would still reign. Nathan explained Adonijah had a celebration as king and who attended the celebration. Nathan told David that the priest Zadok, Jehoiada’s son Benaiah, the mighty men, and Solomon did not attend. Nathan asked David if Adonijah was becoming king. We should remember that being younger and gathering people to your side does not mean that someone who is older and in bad health does not have people who are still loyal to them.

Solomon Is King of Judah

David appointed Solomon king of Judah before Adonijah’s celebration to make himself king could end (I Kings 1:28-53). King David called Bathsheba and said he would keep his promise of Solomon being king. David told Zadok, Nathan, and Benaiah to take their people with them, have Solomon ride David’s mule to Gihon, and anoint Solomon king. Nathan confirmed God was with David’s decision and Solomon’s kingdom would be greater than David’s. They did as David said including taking the Cherethites and Pelethites with them to make Solomon king. Then the people loudly celebrated Solomon becoming king. Abiathar’s son Jonathan told Adonijah and those with him at Adonijah’s celebration, they were hearing the celebration of David making Solomon king. The people with Adonijah became afraid and went home. Adonijah was afraid and held onto the altar until Solomon promised not to kill him. Solomon said if Adonijah showed himself worthy he would not be killed. Adonijah went home. We sometimes have to be decisive and respond quickly to get things done and avoid problems later.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

David had obtained loyalty from his people when he was younger such that they supported him and did everything he asked right away even when he was older and sickly. The time to act was now and David took action. We cannot wait until something becomes more of a problem; we have to address it early on.

What is a problem you addressed early that you are glad you did?

Bathsheba lost her husband and her first child because of David. David promised her Solomon would reign. David may have felt that he owed Bathsheba for what he did wrong. Taking care of Bathsheba’s son could also appease Bathsheba’s relatives. What have you done to try to make up for the wrongs you caused someone?