Today I read 1 Kings 8, where Solomon had the Ark brought into the temple and Solomon’s prayer of dedication was followed by offerings and a feast. Today I considered that God keeps His promises, everyone can pray to God, and everyone is to give to God and celebrate God.
The Ark and The Promise
The Ark is moved and God’s promise is kept (1 Kings 8:1-21). Solomon had all the elders and leaders of the people in Jerusalem assemble and have a feast. Then the priests took the Ark from Zion to Jerusalem. All of Israel went before the Ark sacrificing sheep and oxen along the way. The Ark as placed inside the temple. Solomon told everyone he had done as God said to build the house for God as his father David had desired; and God has kept his promise with Solomon on the throne of Israel. God does keep His promises.
Solomon’s Prayer For Everyone
Solomon prayed that God hear and heeds everyone, according to their heart, that comes to God (1 Kings 8:22-61). Solomon stood before the altar of the Lord in front of all of Israel, opened his hands toward heaven, and kneeled to pray to God. Solomon states of God’s faithfulness in keeping His promises to those who love God. Solomon acknowledges God’s greatness and that God cannot be contained in the house he built, asking God to see and hearken to even those praying toward God’s temple. Solomon asked God to condemn the wicked and justify the righteous, forgive the sinner that confesses and turns back to God, hear and heed according to a person’s ways and heart every prayer and supplication for any plague or sickness or even captivity, and to even hear the stranger’s prayer so all the earth knows and fears God. Solomon stood from praying and said may Solomon’s words be before the Lord day and night and they were to let their hearts be toward God and His statutes. God knows our hearts and can heed our prayers regardless of where we are or what we have done.
Everyone Gives
After Solomon’s prayer everyone gave to God (1 Kings 8:62-66). Solomon and all of Israel offered sacrifices to God. They had a feast for two sets of seven days. Then they went home on the eight day. We are all to give to God and celebrate God.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
In what way are you going to celebrate God this week?