The first book I decided to read was Genesis, meaning the beginning. While there are other paths I could have taken, starting at the beginning seemed the best avenue for me to take. Everyone should start reading the Bible according to what works for them. I pray starting at the beginning helps me understand everything else that follows in my Bible readings. I am reading Genesis 1 today.
Lights are more than Lights
God established the lights to do more than light our days and nights. People the lights in heaven for understanding when to plant crops for maximum growth like in the Farmer’s Almanac. People also use the lights for signs of coming events like the wise men knew of Jesus’ birth because of the stars. Genesis 1:14 says “God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.”
Mankind’s Purpose on Earth
When God decided to create man, God’s purpose was for man to have dominion over all animals on the earth according to Genesis 1:26. Dominion or control over something comes with responsibility. God gave us responsibility for all things on the earth. I consider responsibility meaning to care for the things entrusted to you and ensure they are healthy and the environment they live in promotes their health.
God’s Blessing for Man Included Children
God both blessed and instructed man to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth see Genesis 1:28. Yes, children are a blessing from the lord but also an instruction. I believe God wanted man to be responsible for every living creature on earth including children. God blessed us with this world and everything in it and we should work towards protecting and caring for every blessing God bestows on us.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
What do you consider the key takeaway after reading Genesis chapter one?