Today I read 1 Kings 20, in which Ahab defeats Benhadad for God to show He is the Lord and Ahab is judged for letting Benhadad go free. Today I considered that we should always give God the glory and ask Him what to do with the blessings He gives us.

Victory Turned Into Judgment

Ahab did not want to fight Benhadad but was used by God to show God is the Lord (1 Kings 20:1-42). Benhadad, king of Syria, besieged Samaria where Ahab, king of Israel lived. Benhadad demanded the best of Ahab’s wives and children, and all of Ahab’s silver and gold. Ahab agreed to this demand. Benhadad then demanded to be able to come and loot Ahab’s house of anything they desired. Ahab consulted all the elders of the land, who told him not to agree. They went to war and Ahab’s small group of soldiers led by junior officers won against Benhadad’s large army that had been drinking and were instructed to capture and not kill their opponents. Benhadad was told they lost because God was the god of the hills and they needed to fight in a valley. The next year Benhadad went to war against Israel again but in a valley and Israel won for God to show He is the Lord. Benhadad fled but then went in sackcloth to make a treaty with Ahab. God judged Ahab for accepting the treaty. The prophet told Ahab his life and his people would be lost. When God gives us the victory He does not allow us to take away from God’s glory even through compassion for others.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

We are to put God and His glory first. The first commandment was to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 22:37-38). Ahab won the battle but did not make the glory about God. Ahab considered an alliance with the enemy instead of seeking God for how to proceed.

When was a time you wish you had asked God what to do with a reward, prize, or blessing you received from God?