Today I read 2 Kings 2, in which Elisha followed Elijah until Elijah was taken to heaven and Elisha begins his ministry. Today I considered that God rewards loyalty and the blessing that come can be immediate.

Elisha’s Loyalty

Elisha remained loyal until the end and received his requested blessing (2 Kings 2:1-12). In one day, Elijah traveled through Gilgal, Bethel, Jerico, and across the Jordan. The Lord was going to take Elijah that day and it was confirmed by the sons of prophets in Bethel and Jerico. Elijah told Elisha to stay in each town they traveled through that day. Elisha said as long as the Lord lives and Elijah lives, Elisha would stay with him. Elisha requested a double portion of Elijah’s spirit. Elijah agreed if Elisha sees him being taken. Elisha stayed and saw him taken to heaven. God allowed Elisha to be rewarded for his dedication and loyalty to Elijah.

Elisha’s First Miracles

Elisha’s miracles begin the same day Elijah is taken to heaven and continued (2 Kings 2:13-25). That first day Elisha used Elijah’s mantel, calling on the Lord God of Elijah, to cross back over the Jordan. Elisha stayed in Jerico for a little while and healed their spring. Elisha cursed the kids that mocked him and they were eaten by bears. Elisha then continued along his journey. God’s blessings can be immediate and continuing.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

What were you loyal in doing for God for a long time before God rewarded you?