Today I read 2 Kings 3, in which Jehoram’s siege against Moab was successful because Jehoshaphat traveled with him. Today I considered that the people traveling with us can bless our journey.

Blessed Because of Jehoshaphat

God blessed the battle because of who Jehoram had with him (2 Kings 3:1-26). Ahab’s son Jehoram became king of Israel, put away the image of Baal, but still sinned. Moab rebelled against Israel after Ahab’s death. King Jehoshaphat and the king of Edom agreed to go to war with Jehoram against Moab. They traveled to fight, found no water while traveling, and thought they would lose the war. They inquired of the prophet Elisha and he only spoke to them because Jehoshaphat was with them. Elisha told them how to get water and said they would win. The king of Moab lost the war and was unable to get through the blockade. Sometimes the right traveling companion can be a blessing and save us.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

Who have you traveled with you and it seemed like the journey was always easier when they were traveling with you?