Today I read 2 Kings 5, in which Elisha told Naaman the cure for Naaman’s leprosy and Gehazi became a leper. Today I considered that God used Naaman’s disease to bring a person of influence to God, and sometimes things we are reluctant to do that God said to do can lead to our healing.

Syrian Believer

The captain over the army of Syria became a worshiper of God after Elisha healed him, but Elisha’s servant became a leper because of greed (2 King 5:1-27). Captain Naaman over the army of Syria was an honorable, mighty man, who the Lord gave deliverance to Syria in battle through him, but he had leprosy. Naaman’s wife’s servant told them there was a man of God in Israel that could heal him. The king of Syria sent Naaman and money to Israel for Naaman to be healed. The king of Israel was distressed because he did not know how to heal Naaman but Elisha told the king he would heal Naaman. Elisha told Naaman to dip in the Jordan seven times and Naaman got mad. Naaman’s servants encouraged him to try it and it worked. Elisha refused gifts from Naaman and Naaman promised to only worship the Lord. Elisha’s servant Gehazi ran after Naaman to get receive some of the gifts. When he returned Elisha said Gehazi and his descendants would have leprosy. God’s healing power can bring people of influence from other nations to worship the Lord.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

Naaman did not want to do what the prophet Elisha told him to do, but when he received the healing his heart turned to God.