Today I read 2 Kings 8, in which the Shunammite woman comes home, Hazael became king of Syria, Jehoram became king of Judah, and Ahaziah became king of Judah. Today I considered that God blessed the Shunammite woman that followed the instructions of the man of God, the king of Syria was killed by someone he trusted, and God continued to keep His promise to David.
God Restored the Land
The Shunammite woman followed the advice of the man of God and everything was restored to her (2 Kings 8:1-6). The Shunammite woman took Elisha’s advice to leave for seven years because of the famine coming to the land. When she returned with her household, she petitioned the king to give her house and land back. The king hearing of Elisha’s works, including saving the Shunammite woman’s son, gave her back her land and all the fruits of the field from the day they left. We may feel like we are taking a chance following what God leads us to do, but God can restore everything to us.
Betrayal of the King
The person the king sent to inquire of the prophet Elisha came back and killed the king (2 Kings 8:7-15). Benhadad king of Syria was ill and sent Hazael to ask Elisha if he would recover. Elisha said Benhadad would recover but Hazael would be the next king of Syria. When Hazael returned he killed Benhadad and became king of Syria. Knowing of his coming power Hazael took it right away.
Jehoram and Ahaziah Kings of Judah
God continued to keep his promise even when the kings did evil (2 Kings 8:16-29). Jehoram became king of Judah and then Ahaziah became king of Judah. Both did evil in sight of the Lord. God allowed the descendents of David to still reign because of the promise God made to David. God keeps His promises regardless of our actions.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
The Shunammite woman took her family and household with her, leaving everything behind. She trusted Elisha with her and her family’s life and future.
What have you done that required a leap of faith to follow God’s instructions?