Today I read 2 Kings 9, in which Jehu is anointed king of Israel and then kills Joram, Ahaziah, and Jezebel. Today I considered that sometimes God gives us a word but we also have to set things in motion for that word to come to pass.

Part of the Prophecy Fulfilled

Elisha set in motion Jehu’s action to fulfill God’s word concerning Ahab’s house and Jezebel. Elisha sent a child of the prophets, a young man, with oil to anoint Jehu king over Israel. The young man separated the army captain Jehu from the others, anointed him with oil, told Jehu why the house of Ahab and Jezebel should die, and fled. Jehu went in a chariot toward Jezreel were king Joram was recovering from a wound. Joram and Ahaziah (who was visiting Joram) went out against Jehu in chariots. Jehu used his full strength to shoot Joram all the way through his heart with an arrow and threw Joram’s body in the field of Naboth. Ahaziah saw Jehu’s actions and fled. Jehu chased and wounded Ahaziah, who later died from those wounds. Jehu went into the city of Jezreel and Jezebel looked from a window. Jehu said if people were with him to throw Jezebel down and some eunuchs did, but only parts of her body were found later. Jehu fulfilled parts of Elisha’s prophecy about Jezebel’s death and Ahab’s descendents deaths. God gives us visions, dreams, and ideas for the future but we have to take the first step for them to come to pass.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

What action can you take today to start the process toward the goals, visions, dreams, or ideas that God gave you to complete?